Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Well, I've started yet another blog. I'm an insecure person. I'm pissed that nobody tagged at my other blogs. But oh well.

I've decided that I'll just leave the other blog as stagnant as possible till somebody start asking me what's going on in my life. Although I've already done that.

I do wanna try to link this one to the other one although it will be pretty risky. But i doubt anybody will notice.


why gwen? maybe subconsciously if i was a girl, i want to be a gwen? But forget it, gwen shall be the link.

i'll admit i'm a hypocrite. i hate people who are emo and yet i am probably one of the most emo person around. at least i hide it well.

been thinking, maybe i should try the "One article a day" method. like try to be a columnist. i've been feeling like i really love to write. so this shall be a test if i can really do it.

so let's talk about a few things:


all i can say is so far so good. 8 months down the road and we havent really had a good quarrel. and by definition of a good quarrel, i mean both sides are really losing their temper at each other. yeah that's great. got to meet almost all her family. kinda jealous that she gets such a loving and supportive family. oh well.

more to write about, but i shall stop here.


now this is one really sticky issue.
i have always thought that i have an extremely small group of friends. or at least a very small social circle.

yet, by and by, i've got to know more and more people. and at different stages of my life, i'll feel that different friends might actually make it as one of those "friends-for-life" kind. sad thing is, it isn't true.

friends just pass by me. i'll admit that it's perhaps that i just dont have the time and am a little too lazy to actually bother to keep up with everyone because i'm getting to know new groups of people all the time.

close friends? they come from different stages. secondary school, JC, NS, university. but university is still too early to say. as a matter fact, i'm a little worried about friends from university. because some of them are already starting to get on my nerves, and i am already getting on some of their nerves.

i'm not an idiot. i know when people are hating me.

right now i feel like talking about the guitar ensemble group of friends.


i used to think that we will be a very small and tight group. and yet the further we go in time, the more i feel that nothing can work out for me.

i mean there's the usual playboy who is always the centre of attention for all the girls and still pretend to be unaware of it. there's the freak that sprouts so much nonsense that it just gets on my nerve. there's the spoilt brat that gets almost everything in the world and yet complain about how the failing world economy is affecting the spending pattern. the sophisticated one who, well, pretends to be sophisticated. and many, many more.

so i've decided to just shun away from all their activities. disengage myself from them, so as to speak.

and there are all the upcoming birthdays. so i think maybe i should just sent a text message or greet them on facebook. that's all.

maybe i am the misfit. but doesnt really matter. so be it if i'm the misfit.


oh well. there's the group from my schoolmates there. especially the three stooges. haha.

and to think that i was romantically involved with one of them when i was so young and naive.

what really gets on my nerves are the bimbo and the child. we have the bimbo as she really really acts like a bimbo and pretends that people do like her. maybe that's too harsh. maybe somewhere, there is someone who really likes her. but i guess who in the right frame of mind will want to like somebody who pretends to be jaded with life. you just turned TWENTY recently. what is there to be jaded about? is it cool to be jaded? and we have the CHILD. You're a good TWENTY already. stop sending text messages as tHOugH iT's FuN To gO CRazY CaPS. it's not. trust me. i get a fantastic headache.

oh and did i mention how i was milked by them? each birthday by them stooges, i have to cough up a good $50. What am i? a walking ATM? i dont want to selfish. but out of the three of you, i "donated" $100 altogether. and i DIDNT get anything on my own birthday. even though you all kept claiming how you all want to treat me to dinner.



do i look like an idiot?

you guys didnt even bother to get me a present. because if you all did, you all would try to pass it to me.

since there was no actions by any of you people to meet me, it is so easily assumed that nothing was prepared for me.

now i'm starting to sound like one of them. for them, it's always about "me, me and me".

haha. and how they pretend to be in a university when they are taking a course that's being held in a rented room in an office building.

try going to an ACTUAL university. NTU, NUS, SMU, SIM. not a rented room in an office building. and going on and on about how schoolwork is crushing you.

jeez. crushing you? lol. students are stabbing and hanging each other and you feel crushed?

please feel ashamed yourselves.

and for the last time, PlEAse StOP TYpiNg tHiS WaY. thank you.

wow, so much anger in a post. haha. i'll try to find a direction in my posts for the future. since i'm assuming this to be a long-term project on my part.

i guess it'll be fun if i poke fun at some things i observe. but i'll see how thigns go. i'm not a good writer, just aspiring to be one.