Monday 13 April 2009

Well, the girlfriend's been giving me problems again recently.

well, just one problem last night. woke me up in the middle of the night and told me that she is very frustrated that her ipod hung. so i quivkly went online to help her search for remedies to her problem. turned out she's not interested and cant wait to hang up the call on me.

ok i'm pissed. last semester the same thing happened durng my examinations. but maybe this time round i'm less concerned. i dont care. at least that's what i think.

worried about little time to digest everything. i should have worked harder during normal semester period. oh well.

and uni friends are like avoiding me life crazy. is it just me or is it just coincidence? i have no idea and i am really pissed about that.

by looking at which of your friends remembered your birthday, it's very easy to tell which friends are worth keeping. although i admit that is the absolute gauge because there are some people who remembered my birthday even though i dont want them to.

since i'm on the topic of my birthday and situations with my girlfriend.

i feel like talking a little more about my birthday. seems like she's not really interested in celebrating mine. hmm... i had to persuade her to go out with me. she kept saying that i dont need to go out with her if i have something else. she knows very well that i have NOTHING on. so what's her problem? and she said nothing towards the day. and i had to thank HER for letting me spend my birthday with her.


i need to do some reflections.

i guess it's just better that i keep my birthdays to myself from now on. because i cant belief that even my girlfriend isn't interested in it. now that's sad.

i find it a little hard to believe that i have some friends that swears by no-sex-before-marriage.

quite interesting. especially for the guys. seriously, how can a guy just say he's not interested in sex? it's like as if the guy is saying that he has never watched porn before.

i secretly believe that some of my friends are involved in having sex with their partners but not talking about it in public.

quite a pity. i would really love to talk them and find out how they feel during sex.

10 more days till the end of exams.

i have just got to hang in there.